It’s no secret that Pinterest is popular. Back in October, I wrote an article for CisionNavigator which discussed the site with several players in the PR arena.
As the online pinboard has continued to explode and generate interest, we wanted to follow-up with some comments from the news media.
While discussing socialization of the news during a panel presented by Publicity Club of New York and Social Media Week, Craig Kanalley, NBC News’ social media editor, said the he is on Pinterest every day now.
“I love Pinterest,” he said. “Which is pretty amazing I think because I’m not necessarily the key demographic for it.”
Kanalley notes that the engagement and activity it’s getting are through the roof but it is difficult for NBC News to join the conversation due to the nature of their content.
“In terms of news, I’m kind of struggling with it,” he said. “I’ve been doing a lot of experiments with breaking news but I haven’t had things take off. We also have a Today show Pinterest page which has really taken off and is getting lots of engagement, so that’s a successful example of a brand page.”
Anthony De Rosa, Thomson Reuters’ social media editor, said they have started looking at Pinterest because of its growth and its interesting way of distributing content.
“I put our Tech Tonic videos on Pinterest and we started seeing a lot more people watching the videos because we put them there, so it’s a good distribution channel,” he said.
The moderator of the panel, Peter Himler, mentioned that the (New York) Daily News started a Pinterest board devoted to remembering Whitney Houston.
“You can capture everything you find on the Internet and post or pin it to the Pinterest page,” he said.
Its collaboration and community-building abilities, in addition to its engagement, are big draws for the site, Kanalley said.
“One interesting thing with Pinterest is how you can collaboarate with people,” he said. “You can have multiple people create a board. I think it is sustainable because it is geared toward a mainstream audience and not necessarily the tech crowd, so I think it will keep going.”
To read the Pinterest article on CisionNavigator: Pinning for PR
To read more about the panel presented by PCNY and SMW: Socializing the Media
See a photo you’d like to share? By clicking the “Pin It” icon on stories, news releases, or images on Cision Social Publish content, powered by PitchEngine, users can now post photographs, artwork and any type of brand imagery that might interest the almost 11 million users of the Pinterest “virtual pin board.”